How to be become lovely wife? Maybe, this question like our husband have wife more than we or more than me. In the real life, there is, husband have one wife. There is husband have two wife. There is husband have three wife. And there is husband have four wife. Actually, although we. Although our husband, just have one wife. We are still learning to be lovely wife. To be loved ones in the real life our husband. First, we must accepted our self, our strengthness and weakness. Dont worry, if we are deep talking to our husband about personality. If our heart can accepted, we can change to be lovely wife. But, not always we can accepted. If you cannt you can deep talking about your mind. We are reserve about our heart, about our mind. Try to be patient wife, try to be calm wife. There is nothing something difficult in the world, if you can patient,if you can calm. Surely, your husband to. With always prayed about charactheristic our husband